Katherine Rich has been a strong voice for New Zealand industry for 30 years. Recently she stepped down as Chief Executive of the New Zealand Food and Grocery Council, the peak body for goods and services suppliers to supermarkets, after over a decade of publicly raising issues regarding improving competition and the treatment of suppliers in the grocery sector (including transport and logistics companies). Her advocacy played a key role in convincing government that significant legislative reform was needed to curb supermarket duopoly power as well as a Grocery Code of Conduct for Supermarkets.
Katherine was a Member of Parliament 1999 – 2008 and prior to that held a number of agribusiness marketing roles. She is Chair of the New Zealand Parliamentary Education Trust and is a Board member of New Zealand’s largest children’s charity Barnardos. She is married to businessman, Andrew Rich, who still holds a HT licence having been a truck driver for Tulloch Transport earlier in his career. Together they have four children.