More freight free to move

Recognising the supply chain pressure during the Covid-19 Alert Level 4 lockdown, the Government has made some adjustments to enable all…

Add key roads to new infrastructure spend

There are three roading projects that should be added to the Government’s infrastructure spend to recover from the economic shock of…

Supply chain links vital to essential supplies

Supply chain links vital to getting essential supplies where they need to go must be allowed to work if trucking companies are to survive…

All freight is essential

A port pile-up that will restrict movement in and out of New Zealand of essential goods is looming fast if the Government doesn’t recognise…

Trucks need freedom of movement

As New Zealand enters a lockdown, all essential goods required to ride it out will come on the back of a truck, Road Transport Forum (RTF)…

Rail’s freight value merely a mirage

Trucks and other road users should not be funding the mirage that is rail freight, Road Transport Forum (RTF) chief executive Nick Leggett…

Prime Minister needs to read cannabis bill

The Prime Minister clearly hasn’t read the draft bill to legalise recreational cannabis, Road Transport Forum (RTF) chief executive Nick…

Using road funds for rail highway robbery

The Government’s plan for “user-pays” road funding to further subsidise KiwiRail is highway robbery, Road Transport Forum (RTF) chief…

Road spending welcomed, but time has been wasted

Road spending of $5.3 billion announced by the Government today is well overdue, Road Transport Forum (RTF) chief executive Nick Leggett…

Massive logistics behind transporting Karaka 2020 horses

More than 1,000 of New Zealand’s finest thoroughbred yearlings will be trucked in and out of the Karaka 2020 sales over the next week in a…