Increased pay rates for hard-working trucking industry

At a time of economic stress and high inflation, eight out of 10 trucking companies have reported increasing pay for their drivers over the…

Surging oil prices threaten transport industry and supply chain

Surging oil prices mean road transport operators across New Zealand are facing cost pressures like never before, according to peak body…

Survey launched to understand rising costs facing transport operators

Data provided by Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand to help trucking operators understand their business costs, has shown…

Fuel excise and RUC reduction must be extended

The road transport industry has challenged the Government to extend the reduction in fuel excise and road user charges (RUC) indefinitely.

Mike McRandle moves from senior role at Police CVST to Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand

Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand is excited to welcome Mike McRandle to lead its national team of Regional and Sector Advisors.

Government should stick to its knitting around supply chain

The Government is right to examine New Zealand’s tenuous supply chain, but it should not seek to intervene in it beyond being a regulator…

Keep road user charges simple

Using road user charges (RUC) to collect more funds for the Government’s climate change agenda is barking up the wrong tree, says Ia Ara…

Sigh of relief on TG announcement

You will hear a collective sigh of relief across the Wellington region and from all New Zealand’s truck drivers at the news today that…

SOS goes out to drivers

An SOS – save our supply chain – call is going out to truck drivers today to get them back behind the wheel as New Zealand battles staff…

Roadside drug testing a win for safety

Today’s passing in Parliament of the Land Transport (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill is a win for road safety, says Ia Ara Aotearoa…