Nominees for Transporting New Zealand Board 2024


Deborah O’Brien, Debz Transport

Why are you interested in serving on the Transporting New Zealand Board?

I believe the Board, along with the Sector Groups, are going to make a difference to how people see our industry and I would like to be a part of that.

What skills would you bring to the Transporting New Zealand Board?

I have been both the President of CARTA, and the chair of  RTANZ for a number of years and a director of Transporting New Zealand.

I own Debz Transport and Debz Freight Services and deal with linehaul, storage, 3PL, food grade and HACCAP Programme, both for sea and air containers. All have different rules and regulations for them.

From a governance perspective it has been challenging time to be on the board with the changes that we have done i.e. OCANZ has gone and the new constitution has been brought in. I have learned a lot  and have a good  understanding of what operators have to put up with each day and the rules/regulations they have to follow.

I bring management skills, am a good listener and have been able to see the wider picture. I am the only woman on the Board, and according to my staff I am excellent at multitasking! Due to all the different divisions our company has, I have to deal with all sorts of issues and with Government agencies on a daily basis.

What’s your favourite thing about road transport?

Each day is never the same and every day is a new learning curve. In my own company I have been working towards ISO 9001 which comes with its own challenges.


Warwick Wilshier, current Transporting NZ Chair

Why are you interested in serving on the Transporting New Zealand Board?

I have always strongly believed that we need unity and a single industry organisation.

What skills would you bring to the Transporting New Zealand Board?

I am currently Transporting NZ Chair and have been involved as a Board member through the transition from the Road Transport Forum to Transporting New Zealand.

I have also been a founding member of the Log Transport Safety Council and Chairman for many years. I believe it is one of the most successful Industry organisations with its simple philosophy of being a collaborative group that uses our individual talents for the good of the wider industry.

I have a saying “you leave your guns at the door.” That simple model was missing at RTF and I believe we can create it at Transporting New Zealand.

I am committed to ensuring the new constitution and Sector Group structure is successful and I am a firm believer in succession planning.

I want to see the younger generation that runs our business now take up Board roles and make TNZ the success it will be. My commitment is seeing the transformation completed and then stand aside, job done.

I have been in the transport industry since leaving school. Like many others I started with one truck and went from there. I have given a large amount of my time to industry organisations and have been comfortable in my ability as Chairman of both LTSC and TNZ.

What’s your favourite thing about road transport?

My greatest enjoyment about the transport industry is the people within it, the friendships, the  camaraderie and enabling young people to develop and be successful in their own right. I like to think I have helped a few along the way.


Scott Johnstone, General Manager, Brenics Ltd

Why are you interested in serving on the Transporting New Zealand Board?

I have a passion for the transport industry and the people within it. Serving on the Transporting New Zealand Board would offer a unique opportunity to shape the future of this critical sector. My interest lies in contributing to the industry’s long-term success by helping guide policies that address current challenges, promote innovation, and ensure the industry’s resilience. With my background in governance and experience running a transport company, I understand both the operational realities and the strategic decisions required to keep the industry thriving. Being part of the Board would allow me to use my skills to support the industry’s continued growth and development.

What skills would you bring to the Transporting New Zealand Board?

I bring a unique blend of business academic knowledge, governance training, practical expertise, and a fresh perspective from a newer generation of leaders.

My skills in strategic leadership, financial oversight, and risk management are complemented by an understanding of technology and innovation in both transport and business. This allows me to approach industry challenges from multiple perspectives – balancing immediate operational needs with the strategic foresight required for long-term success. My personal stake in the industry ensures that I am fully committed to the future of transport in New Zealand.

What’s your favourite thing about road transport?

What I appreciate most about road transport is its people. The industry is powered by dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to keep goods moving and support our economy.

I also enjoy how the sector continually adapts and innovates, always finding new ways to improve efficiency and meet the demands of modern business.


Greg Pert, Tranzliquid owner

Why are you interested in serving on the Transporting New Zealand Board?

My view is that the quality of an organisation starts in the boardroom. The agenda we will set and the attitude and optimism we take to our decision-making will determine how successful Transporting New Zealand is over the coming years. Nothing is more important than the quality and integrity of an organisation’s people and its products.

What skills would you bring to the Transporting New Zealand Board?

The role of the Board is to set the vision and strategy and then let the management get on with relentless implementation, while keeping a monitoring eye on whether that occurs. My approach will be for us to operate at the governance level. Thoughtfulness is one of the most under-rated elements of good leadership.

Our focus will also be on continuing to support Transporting New Zealand to gather the facts and data needed to underpin and support the role of road freight transport operators in our economy. Focus on results over process. There is no doubt in my mind that our industry will be faced with the most significant political and operational challenges we have had in a generation!


Peter  Heagney, Heagney Bros Ltd

Why are you interested in serving on the Transporting New Zealand Board?

As a current board member and owner-operator of a medium-sized transport company, I’m invested in our industry’s future. My experience provides valuable insights into daily challenges and opportunities. I’m committed to ensuring practical regulations for all operators, and guiding our industry through technological changes and environmental challenges. I aim to strengthen stakeholder relationships and be prepared to ask the hard questions for the benefit of all members.

What skills would you bring to the Transporting New Zealand Board?

I bring a unique blend of practical industry knowledge and governance experience. My skills include:

  1. Operational expertise from running a transport company for over 40 years
  2. Strategic thinking honed through various board roles (Tasman Mako, Marlborough Rugby, Region Four executive)
  3. Strong communication and stakeholder management
  4. Financial acumen and budget oversight
  5. Problem-solving abilities

These skills, combined with my passion for the industry, enable me to contribute effectively to the board’s decision-making and strategic direction.

 What’s your favourite thing about road transport?

Road transport is the backbone of New Zealand’s economy and communities. It’s about connecting people, supporting businesses, and driving progress across our country. I admire our industry’s problem-solving nature to support our communities.


Brett Hamilton, GM Transport, Open Country Dairy.

Why are you interested in serving on the Transporting New Zealand Board?

Hi, My name is Brett Hamilton, I am 41 years old and I’m  based in the deep south in  Invercargill.  My wife Laura and I have two boys and two girls, the  oldest being 12  and the youngest being two.

I have been in the transport industry since leaving school where I went on to train and qualify as an A Grade diesel mechanic. I have previously been privileged to represent Otago Southland on the TNZ board for two terms.  I am very conscious that the last two years has seen so much change within the association and so much time and focus has been on establishing the new constitution. However with that behind us the path is clear.  I have put my name forward to further support and be part of a high-level team that sets the tone and pace for our Association.

What skills would you bring to the Transporting New Zealand Board?

We are in an era that is rapidly changing with compliance pressures coming to business from so many angles. I will push hard to make sure that the implementation of changes is well challenged while at the same time pushing for technology initiatives and development to aid our industry and make it more efficient and safer for us all.

What’s your favourite thing about road transport?

I personally believe that there is no other industry that consists of so many hard-working good mates, hence the appetite to push hard for you all.


Murray Young, General Manager, NZ Express Transport (2006) Ltd

 Why are you interested in serving on the Transporting New Zealand Board?

Murray has been pivotal in delivering successful improvement processes and transformational change throughout 35 years in transport and logistics. Serving on the TNZ Board, Murray would seek to enhance the industry’s transparency, relevance and productivity whilst fostering a sustainable future. Murray would promote sector group involvement, advocate for increased use of high productivity vehicles, ensure the chain of responsibility is equally proportioned throughout the supply chain and promote changes to the TSL process to enhance the industry’s reputation.

 What skills would you bring to the Transporting New Zealand Board?

Demonstrated by his successful tenures in executive roles, Murray brings distinguished skills in strategic leadership and comprehensive knowledge of road transport having received the NZTA Road Safety Trust Innovation and Achievement Award and Shell’s Vice Presidents Award for Continuous Improvement of Road Transport. Murray is the current GM of NZ Express Transport, Chairperson of NZITSG (delivering the Good Practice Guide for the operation of sideloaders), a member of SIPUWG and is the former president and director at RTA. Additionally, Murray advocates for relevant vocational education and workforce development to attract new talent to the industry and has enjoyed serving on Hanga-Aro-Rau’s Commercial Transport NIAG. Murray was instrumental in the initial HPMV trial for increased mass with MoT, CWS and Shell. Murray’s proven ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with government ministers, officials and regulators is an asset when advocating for industry.

 What’s your favourite thing about road transport?

With road transport being fundamental in driving economic growth for every New Zealander, the ability to make a tangible impact on the industry and broader economy are what Murray finds most rewarding. Additionally, the evolving nature of road transport, with its increasing technical demands and push towards a low-carbon future presents exciting opportunities for innovation. Murray is dedicated to promoting the industry and its people, from the boardroom to the bitumen, to ensure TNZ meets the demands of a progressive industry.