Rotorua Summit
October 7, 2023

Venue: Novotel Rotorua Lakeside

Address: Lake End, Tutanekai Street, Rotorua 3010


Tēnā koutou katoa! You are warmly invited to the North Island Summit of New Zealand Road Transport Association Regions 2 and Central Area Road Transport Association Region 3 on Saturday, October 7, at the Novotel Rotorua Lakeside.

The morning will feature the annual general meetings for both incorporated societies. The rest of the day will feature a range of speakers, including a presentation from economist Cameron Bagrie.

There will be a mix and mingle in the evening to round out the day and catch up with friends and colleagues.

All Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand members are welcome.
All attendees must register and there will be a registration fee for non-members only.

2023 Speakers

Previously the general manager at Transporting New Zealand, Dom has a long history in road transport and in particular, the heavy freight side of the sector. He has worked at Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, at the Ministry of Transport as heavy vehicle safety advisor and was with Z Energy for more than a decade with several roles in areas including logistics, business development and health and safety. Dom’s voluntary roles include Immediate Past President of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers NZ, member of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, and board member and officer of the International Forum for Heavy Vehicle Transport & Technology. Dom’s broad understanding across heavy transport matters is demonstrated by his co-authoring and presenting papers internationally on matters including increased vehicle productivity, driver fatigue, fuel efficiency and performance-based standards. He is also a huge motorsports participant and fan, having raced in many categories and being the NZ Formula First (Vee) champion in 1992/93. He is currently MotorSport New Zealand’s Chief of Circuit Safety. For further information, contact Dom Kalasih, Interim chief executive, Ia Ara Aotearoa Transporting New Zealand, 027 441 4309.

Cameron is the Managing Director of Bagrie Economics, a boutique independent research firm.  He is also involved in a number other entities covering property, helping businesses navigate banking and investing in small to medium sized businesses  He was formerly the Chief Economist of ANZ and has also worked at the NZ Treasury.  He is on the board of Life Education NZ (yes, that’s Harold the giraffe), and is a strong supporter of making the teaching of financial skills compulsory in schools.  He resides in Wellington but still considers himself a mainlander, and supports the Highlanders. His approach to economics centres around reality over ideology.

Guy has over 25 years’ of senior Business Development experience across the Information Technology and Services Sector; the most recent 12 years in Vehicle and Asset Telematics. Super passionate about all things Safety related, it’s just good business practice.

Charlaine Barnfather has worked in a variety of HR leadership roles in NZ and overseas, and across many industries, including logistics.
She holds qualifications in HR management and communications, is a chartered member of the Human Resources Institute of New Zealand and has a private investigator’s licence.
She says she is rarely surprised at the novel and interesting ways employment issues can arise in workplaces, and she understands the saying: “If you’ve got people – you’ve often got problems!”

Ross Godkin  oversees a network of bitumen plants throughout New Zealand and his primary focus is on maintaining product quality standards and fostering secure and sustainable work environments.

Ross has valuable experience with renowned industry giants such as Du Pont, ICI, and Orica and he has been recognised for his dedication to sustainability, receiving the Sustainability Champion Runner-Up award at the 2012 New Zealand Sustainability Business Awards. Initiatives at the Mount Maunganui bitumen plant have set new industry benchmarks in sustainable manufacturing practices and in more recent times Ross has championed the Road Science Decarbonisation program.


Peter McKay is the manager of Revenue Compliance for Waka Kotahi NZTA and has been with the MoT and NZ Police.

Peter served in roles across the lower half of the North Island including AS operations manager for Road Policing. He retired from Police National HQ as an inspector in 2012, returning to government service as an investigator for Waka Kotahi in 2019.  For the last two years he has been  manager of the Revenue Compliance unit.

He lives in Tauranga with his wife and his blended family, has a commercial pilot’s licence and likes to keep (reasonably!) fit.


Gareth Balfour is general manager of CCS Logistics, a subsidiary of NZI.

In 2011 he gained an Advanced Drivers qualification in the UK from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and has volunteered as a tutor to coach drivers on defensive driving techniques using the UK Police Foundation’s Roadcraft system.

He returned to NZ in 2014 and joined the local volunteer fire brigade. As an emergency response driver, Gareth has seen first-hand the consequences of road accidents.

With qualifications in strategic management and leadership, and more than eight years’ experience working with New Zealand transport operators and professional drivers, Gareth is keen to help boost drivers’ skills to reduce road accidents and injuries.


Time Programme
7.45am Registration
8.50am Welcome - Mat Sheldrake and Ian Emmerson
9.00am AGM Region 2, in the main area
9.00am AGM Region 3, in the Seddon Room
10.00am Morning tea
10.30am NZI Presentation - Gareth Balfour from CCS Logistics, and fleet risk manager Sean Bartlett
11.00am EROAD presentation - Speaker Guy Hocquard
11.45am Safe Business Solutions - Tips for hiring, and keeping staff. Charlaine Barnfather
12.15pm Waka Kotahi: Peter McKay, RUC.
12.45pm Lunch
1.45pm Road Science - Ross Godkin, National Manufacturing Manager
2.15pm Economist Cam Bagrie
3.15pm Afternoon tea
3.45pm Accountant Regan Brown, Initiom Ltd
4.15pm Q and A: Kevin Anderson of Waka Kotahi and Lex Soepnel from CVST
5.15pm - 5.30pm Transporting New Zealand - Speaker Dom Kalasih
6.00pm Drinks
7.00pm Dinner



Accommodation is available at the Novotel Rotorua Lakeside and Ibis Rotorua. To book accommodation at Novotel or ibis:

  • Head to Novotel & Ibis Rotorua website or Accor ALL App
  • Enter stay dates and number of guests
  • Click on ‘Special Rates’
  • Enter Preferential code – ‘ROSOQ1’
  • Click on ‘see rates’

Discounted rates will then show in red as ‘special offer’.

Novotel Rotorua Lakeside


Novotel City View Guest Room
– either one king or two queen beds.


Novotel Lake View Guest Room
– either one queen bed or two double beds.


Ibis Rotorua


Ibis City View Guest Room
– either one queen bed or two double beds.


Ibis Lake View Guest Room
– either one queen bed or two double beds.

