Bundle Deal



The BEST package deal for all businesses. Transporting New Zealand have partnered with some great companies to make sure you make more profit by saving on essential items.

Fuel is the second largest cost to your business. We have partnerships with Z Business, BP and Mobil to provide you with substantial fuel price discounts.

Example price: Only 1.6888 per litre at Z or Caltex Truck Stops Nationwide (excludes GST and Auckland Fuel tax price) Why wait? This is a great package that you need to get ahead.

See more example fuel prices here

* Price was effective as of 20th December 2022. Pricing fluctuates weekly. Updated weekly reports will be available once payment has been recieved and fuel account has been confirmed by supplier.

Access to savings for 12 months from supplier accounts (fuel suppliers, Bridgestone, n3) being opened.  Subscription charge renews annually.

n3 is a business buying network with over 16,000 members, dedicated to making it simple for Kiwi businesses to save money across all areas of day-to-day expenses.

In the last year, Transporting New Zealand members have saved over $3.1 million^ utilising n3 Suppliers. This was primarily in Safety Equipment, Building, Plumbing and Office Supplies.

Save with 50+ leading New Zealand suppliers, including:

To view all Suppliers, click here.

^The savings shown are based on Member spend from Feb ’22 – Jan ’23. *The savings presented are indicative
only and based on typical n3 member savings and/or supplier tender responses from a combination of list price,
trade price or RRP depending on category. Savings are meant as a guide only. Savings will vary depending on
basket of goods purchased.

With this package you will receive an exclusive 30% discount off the list price on new tyres and re-treads, for domestic and commercial use, with Bridgestone. *minimum spend for account $3,000 per annum


If you feel like you would gain more from vehicle hireage:

Budget New Zealand has 35 convenient car hire locations across the North and South Islands, from Kerikeri to Invercargill. As a member of Transporting New Zealand you are able to secure yourself better rates with a special discount offer.

Deal example: Hire a 4WD from $118 for 1-3 days * terms and conditions apply

Tiered Pricing